Unbaked Mango CheeseCake. Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan : - Biskut Marrie. The Best New York Cheesecake Recipe Mangga segar murni memberi kue keju ini tekstur yang ringan dan lembut dan rasa buah tropis yang halus.
Mango in a cheesecake, a perfect combination for those who are looking for a refreshing treat. Layers of cream cheese and mango jelly are poured over a Marie Biscuit crust and chilled completely to form this No-Bake Mango Cheesecake. Easy no-bake mango cheesecake recipe with smooth creamy texture and delicious mango cheese flavour. You can cook Unbaked Mango CheeseCake using 13 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Unbaked Mango CheeseCake
- Prepare of Lapisan Bawah:.
- Prepare 1 bks of regal.
- Prepare 75 gr of mentega blue band.
- You need of Lapisan Tengah:.
- Prepare 250 gr of cream cheese.
- Prepare 2 sdm of susu putih cair.
- You need 225 ml of whipped cream.
- Prepare 100 gr of cooking white chocolate.
- It's of Lapisan Atas (Mangga):.
- It's 3 gr of bubuk agar-agar plain.
- You need 200 ml of air.
- Prepare 2 bh of mangga harum manis (blender).
- You need 1 bh of mangga harum manis (potong2 utk hiasan).
Mango - use canned or ripe sweet fresh mango. Cream cheese - Use full fat cream cheese. See more ideas about Cheesecake, Mango cheesecake, Cheesecake recipes. No bake, No gelatin CheesecakeSpice up the Curry.
Unbaked Mango CheeseCake instructions
- Utk lapisan bawah: hancurkan regal (boleh dihancurkan manual ataupun di blender, sesuai selera) lalu campurkan dengan mentega yg sudah dicairkan. Lalu masukkan ke cetakan yg udah disediakan dan masukkan ke dalam freezer hingga mengeras..
- Lapisan tengah: mixer cream cheese + susu cair (pakai speed rendah) hingga halus dan tercampur rata. Masukkan whipped cream dan white chocolate lalu kocok hingga rata. Tuangkan ke dalam cetakan lalu masukkan kembali ke dalam freezer..
- Masak agar2 bubuk dgn air hingga mendidih lalu tunggu hingga uap hilang / agak dingin. Tuangkan mangga yg sudah di blender. Aduk rata. Tuangkan ke dalam cetakan. Lalu hias dgn buah yg sudah dipotong2. Dan masukkan kembali ke dlm freezer selama 4-5 jam lalu pindahkan ke kulkas biasa..
- Utk lapisan tengah:.
EASY NO-BAKE MANGO CHEESECAKE Give your next no-bake cheesecake a mango treat to celebrate summer. This no-bake mango cheesecake is loaded with fresh mangoes in the batter as. This no-bake mango cheesecake recipe is delicious and decadent but made with simple These no-bake mango cheesecake is vegan, gluten-free and easy to make with no baking required. This no-bake mango cheesecake is so delicate, rich, delicious and really easy to make. Even if you are not experienced cake maker you can easily make this cake, Perfect summer cake!