Homemade liang's jian bing /chinese crepe. A beloved Chinese street food, Jian Bing are crepes folded around egg, green onions, and a crispy cracker or piece of fried dough. There are many variations of Jian Bing, a.k.a. Chinese Crepe; this is only one.
This way you don't have to use a crepe spread to make a round crepe. Jianbing, or Chinese Crepes, are a popular streetfood in China. A Jianbing or Crepe Spreader, or hack one together. You can have Homemade liang's jian bing /chinese crepe using 5 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Homemade liang's jian bing /chinese crepe
- Prepare 1 pack of Roti Paratha (isi 5), pakai 2 lembar.
- Prepare of daun bawang.
- You need 2 butir of telur.
- It's 1 sdm of mentega.
- It's of saus BBQ.
The Jianbing spreader is a pretty critical piece of equipment - it'll help make the pancake smooth and even, and also break up the eggs. Crepe spreaders are a little different but should also do the trick. Jianbing is one of China's most popular street breakfasts. Jianbing is one of China's most popular street breakfasts.
Homemade liang's jian bing /chinese crepe step by step
- Lumuri mentega ke wajan, dan panas kan wajan hingga sangat panas.
- Masukan1 lembar adonan roti paratha ke dalam wajan panas.
- Pecahkan 1 butir telur dan letakkan di atas adonan yg sedang, dan rata kan telur agar menyebar dan merata ke seluruh adonan, masukan potongan daun bawang kecil diatasnya tunggu bbrp saat.
- Flip adonan/ balikan adonan, lumuri adonan dengan saus bbq panaskan bbrp saat lalu balikan kembali.
- Tiriskan dan lumuri kembali saos bbq, gulung adonan dan sajikan, ulangi kembali dengan lembar adonan satu lg dan lakukan step 1-4 lagi, 1 butir telur untuk 1 lembar.
And while all manner of Chinese buns and dumplings have spread well beyond the country's borders, it also might be China's best-kept culinary secret. Jian Bing (Chinese Crêpe), is one of the most traditional breakfast from Northern China, which now also has been spread well popularly to the entire Chinese eating appetite. This savory crisp-fried crêpe is all about bold contrasts of flavor and texture: eggs, spread over the surface of the wheat and mung. The Beijing egg crepe (Jian bing) is so popular that more & more fusion dishes are seen in town! Do you know what kinda beverage goes best with it?