Churros✨. Хрустящий ЧУРРОС вкуснейшие испанские ПОНЧИКИ с шоколадным соусом Люда Изи Кук churros recipe. All you need to know to make the best cinnamon sugar coated churros! Perfectly soft and tender on the inside and deliciously crisp on the outside.
These ethnic treats are easy to Churros are an ideal menu addition for restaurants, sports venues, convenience stores, colleges. Churros Recipe cobbled from a few choux recipes I've used before; tips and technique mostly from The recipe here creates a pretty standard cinnamon sugar-crusted churros with a puddle of chocolate. The Mexican version of a quick fried cake, churros are incredible tasty treats that couldn't be easier to make. You can cook Churros✨ using 10 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Churros✨
- You need 200 gr of tepung cakra.
- You need 5 sdm of susu bubuk. di larutkan sampai 300ml.
- Prepare 150 gr of butter.
- Prepare 3 butir of telur.
- You need 1/2 sdt of vanili (optional).
- It's 1 sdm of gula (gapake juga gpp).
- You need 1/2 sdt of garam.
- It's of toping :.
- You need of selai coklat (sesuai selera).
- Prepare of gula halus + cinnamon powder.
WoW churros brings uniqueness by the bucket load…. Churros isn't the same without a smooth hot chocolate or a deep rich coffee; so we're bringing that too… Churros el Tigre. We have quickly become a catering favorite for many all over San Diego County. Our delicious and freshly made Churros are sure to make your special occasion memorable.
Churros✨ instructions
- Siapkan wajan, panaskan susu, butter. beri garam, gula dan vanili. aduk terus sampai mendidih. matikan kompor.
- Masukan perlahan2 tepung cakra, lalu aduk hingga kalis..
- Nyalakan api kembali. dan aduk terus sampei matang kira2 2-3menit. lalu angkat.
- Pindahkan adonan kedalam wadah, diamkan sekitar 15 menit (sampai adem) siapkan mixer.
- Masukan telur satu persatu, lalu mixer sampai merata. hasil akhir lembut seperi mengkilap (tidak encer).
- Masukan adonan kedalam piping bag (segitiga) beri spuit sesuai selera..
- Panaskan minyak di dalam wajan. apabila sudah panas bisa langsung cetak atau masukan adonan kedalam minyak. cetak panjang sesuai selera kalian, lalu goreng sampai warna kuning kecoklatan (gunakan api sedang agar tidak mudah gosong, dan matang merata).
- Churros siap di sajikan. beri taburan gula halus+cinnamon. dan cocolan coklat. selamat mencoba :)).
Churros are kind of the Spanish version of donuts. Taco Bell ripped them off with their Cinnamon Twists. The original Spanish churros were made with just flour and water (maybe some oil) dough. A churro is a fried-dough pastry—predominantly choux—based snack. Churros are traditional in Spain and Portugal, where they originated, as well as in the Philippines and Ibero-America.