Steamed Black Forest Cake. If you are worrying and you don't have an electric oven at home, you can use the improvised oven and steam too. Like what I did this video, I use steaming. Black Forest Cake is one rich and decadent cake.
We have made it at home and ordered for dessert at good restaurants. Black forest cake is traditionally frosted with whipped cream, which means you have to eat it right away to prevent the frosting from deflating and sliding off. Our recipe stabilizes the whipped cream with cornstarch, which ensures the cake can last for up to three days in the fridge without getting soggy. You can have Steamed Black Forest Cake using 17 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Steamed Black Forest Cake
- Prepare 4 butir of telur.
- Prepare 150 of mgr gula halus.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of sp.
- You need 60 gr of tepung terigu.
- It's 20 gr of cokelat bubuk.
- It's 1 sdm of tepung maizena.
- Prepare 1 sdt of pasta moka.
- You need 75 gr of butter (lelehkan).
- It's of Olesan.
- You need of Buttercream.
- Prepare of Pewarna makanan hijau.
- Prepare of Topping.
- It's of Cokelat batangan.
- It's of Stroberi.
- Prepare of Kacang mede.
- You need of Loyang.
- It's Bulat of uk 18 cm.
Impress your guests with this chocolate cherry layered cream black forest low-carb keto cake - a revamped version of a German classic. eggless black forest cake recipe with step by step photos. preparing a good or excellent eggless frosting cakes or gateau at home is creative as well as a satisfying effort. Cover the black forest cake with a large bowl without it touching the sides and place in the fridge for the cream icing to set. Black Forest Cake (Black Forest Gateau if you're British) comes to us from Germany, a country that is so serious about Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest Cherry-Torte) that they actually have legislation around it. Eggless Black Forest Cake- layers of chocolate cake filled with sweetened whipped cream & cherries and topped with shaved chocolate.
Steamed Black Forest Cake step by step
- Oles tipis loyang dgn margarin dan taburi sedikit tepung terigu. Panaskan panci pengukus dgn tutup yg dibalut serbet bersih. Lelehkan butter di panci pengukus, stlh leleh masukkan ke dlm wadah yg berisi air dingin agar butter cepat dingin..
- Sambil menunggu butter dingin, mixer telur, gula, dan sp dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga mengembang putih berjejak..
- Campur tepung terigu, maizena, cokelat bubuk. Dengan diayak, masukkan campuran ketiga bahan tsb sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk balik dengan spatula hingga merata..
- Tambahkan pasta moka, aduk balik hingga tercampur rata. Masukkan butter leleh, aduk kembali hingga merata..
- Masukkan adonan ke dalam loyang, ketuk2 pelan agar tidak berongga dan bergelombang permukaannya. Kukus dengan api kecil kira2 45 menit atau jika ditusuk dgn garpu/lidi tdk lengket..
- Sambil menungu kue matang, tim 1/2 cokelat batang, lalu cetak ke dalam cetakan cokelat bentuk pagar segitiga, sisihkan. Buat butter cream (lht di resep lainnya), sisihkan. Cincang kacang mede, sisihkan. Cuci stoberi, sisihkan..
- Setelah kue matang, angkat loyang tunggu beberapa saat tdk sampai kue dingin lalu tiriskan di papan alas kue tunggu hingga dingin..
- Setelah dingin, belah kue menjadi dua, olesi butter cream, beri toping kacang mede cincang lalu tutup dengan belahan kue satunya. Olesi semua permukaan kue dengan butter cream..
- Hias dengan pagar cokelat, tata stroberi melingkar di atas permukaan kue, di tengah beri tulisan dengan sisa butter cream yg diberi pewarna hijau..
- Siap disantap, enak endesss..
This classic cake is the perfect dessert to celebrate Valentine's Day or just about any occasion! Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. When I was a kid I was reluctant to try black forest cakes, thinking that cherries and chocolate was an odd combination, but boy was I wrong! Beautiful Black Forest Cake covered in whipped cream, cherries and chocolate. This two layer chocolate cake is perfect for holiday entertaining.