Cake kukus black forest. Recomended buat yg mau bikin cake ultah no oven. Kalau pakai cherry utk topping dan Black cherry utk bagian tengahnya. Lihat juga resep Birthday Cake Ekonomis (Blackforest Kukus) enak lainnya.
A Black Forest Cake is a delicious combination of chocolate cake, Kirsch soaked Morello cherries, and loads of whipped cream. As its name implies, Black Forest Cake comes from the Black Forest region of Germany. Black forest cake recipe with step by step pics. You can cook Cake kukus black forest using 19 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Cake kukus black forest
- Prepare of 🍰Adonan cake.
- It's 2 butir of telur.
- It's 1 of kuning telur.
- It's 80 gram (6 1/2 sdm) of gula.
- You need 1/8 sdt of garam.
- You need 1/2 sdt of cake emulsifier (sp).
- It's 40 gram (5 sdm) of tepung terigu protein sedang.
- You need 25 gram (3 1/3 sdm) of coklat bubuk.
- You need 15 gram of (2 sdm)tepung maizena.
- It's 1/8 sdt of baking powder.
- It's 45 gram of (3 sdm)mentega lelehkan.
- You need 1/2 sdm of susu kental manis.
- You need 1/2 sdt of pasta coklat.
- You need of 🍰 isian dan toping.
- You need 100 gram of selai strawberry (untuk 2 cake).
- You need 140 gram of buttercream untuk isian (untuk 2 cake).
- You need 60 gram of buttercream untuk lapisan luar (untuk 2 cake).
- You need 5 buah of ceri bagi 2(untuk 2 cake).
- You need 80 gram of dark cooking chocolate parut (untuk 2 cake).
One of the favorite cakes liked by everyone is black forest cake. To make this egg free black forest cake, you need a chocolate cake or a chocolate sponge cake. You can get the cake from outside or make your own at home. See more ideas about Brownie muffins, Food, Cake.
Cake kukus black forest step by step
- Ayak adonan kering tepung terigu, coklat bubuk, tepung maizena, garam, baking powder dan campur sisihkan.
- Masukan 2 butir telur dan 1 kuning telur kocok sampai berbusa masukan gula kocok lagi sampai rata dan gula sampai larut masukan cake emulsifier kocok lagi sampai kental dan mengembang sekitar (7-10 menit).
- Masukan bahan kering secara bertahap dan kocok lagi dgn kecepatan rendah sampai rata masukan pasta coklat kocok lagi.
- Lelehkan mentega dan 1/2 sdm susu kental manis masukan dalam adonan aduk rata.
- Masukan dalam loyang yg sdh di alasi kertas roti dan ketuk ketuk agar gelembung keluar kukusan sdh dipanaskan terlebih dahulu sebelumnya ya, dan tutup kukusan di alasi dengan kain, adonan bisa jadi 2 bagian atau langsung dijadikan 1 kukus sampai matang atau 15menit.
- Setelah matang hiasi dengan buttercream bagian dalam dan luarnya dan serutan coklat diluarnya.
Roti cake kukus menjadi jenis cake yang cukup banyak diminati oleh masyarakat kita. Mulai dari anak-anak hingga orang tua menyukai roti cake kukus sebagai salah satu makanan nikmat. Inilah sajian resep pertama black forest kukus yang bisa Anda coba di rumah Eggless Black Forest Cake- layers of chocolate cake filled with sweetened whipped cream & cherries and topped with shaved chocolate. Anyway happy to be back here and also super excited to be sharing the recipe for this Eggless Black Forest Cake with you guys today! Black Forest Cake is one rich and decadent cake.