Fruit Tart. Highlight the season's best fruit by making this easy fruit tart. The shortbread-like crust is a press in crust, which makes it no. In a small bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
This Fruit Tart Recipe Has Four Easy To Follow Components The Tart Crust Or Tart Shell. The sweet pastry crust also known as pastry dough, shortcrust pastry or Pâte Sucrée in French is a sweet and buttery crust which texture resembles a crumbly cookie. Unlike the more flaky pie crust, a tart crust is so much easier to make and less temperamental than pie crust dough. You can cook Fruit Tart using 22 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Fruit Tart
- It's of Untuk Tart Shell.
- It's 195 gram (1.5 cup) of tepung terigu.
- It's 1/8 sdt of garam.
- It's 113 gram (1/2 cup) of unsalted butter, suhu ruang.
- It's 50 gram (1/4 cup) of gula pasir.
- You need 1 of telur.
- Prepare of Untuk Pastry Cream.
- It's 375 ml (1.5 cup) of susu.
- You need 125 ml (1/2 cup) of whip cream.
- You need 115 of grams (1/2 cup) gula pasir.
- It's 1/8 sdt of garam.
- You need 3 sdm of maizena.
- You need 5 of kuning telur.
- It's 57 gram (4 sdm) of unsalted butter, dingin, potong kecil kecil segi-empat.
- It's 1.5 sdt of vanilla paste.
- You need Buah of Topping.
- You need 3 of kiwi, di potong 1 cm tebal dan di belah 2.
- Prepare 10-12 of strawberry, potong jadi 2.
- It's 1/2 cup of buah kaleng peach.
- It's 1/2 cup of blueberry.
- It's 1/4 cup of raspberry.
- Prepare 1/2 cup of selai apricot (apricot preserves).
Cluster the raspberries in the center of the tart. With a pastry brush, glaze the entire tart. You will not use all of the glaze. Keep the tart in the refrigerator.
Fruit Tart instructions
- Buat tart shell terlebih dahulu. Kocok mentega dengan mixer sampai halus. Masukan gula dan kocok dengan mixer lagi hingga rata..
- Kocok kuning telur. Masukan ke dalam adonan gula dan mentega. Aduk sampai rata..
- Setelah itu masukan terigu dan garam. Lipat dengan spatula sampai rata. Tumpahkan adonan ke plastic wrap, bulatkan adonan dengan tangan kira2 sebesar 30 cm (sesuai size cetakan)..
- Masukan adonan yang sudah di dalam plastic wrap ke kulkas selama 20-30 menit. Oles cetakan dengan mentega. Setelah 30 menit, masukan adonan ke cetakan dan sambil tekan2 dengan garpu..
- Masukan adonan ke dalam oven dengan suhu 200 derajat selama 5 menit. Turunkan ke 175 derajat selama 15 menit. Keluarkan dari oven dan dinginkan. Keluarkan kue dari cetakan setelah dingin..
- Cara membuat vla. Didihkan susu, whip cream dan gula pasir sambil di aduk hingga matang dalam panci dengan api sedang..
- Campurkan kuning telur, maizena dan garam. Kemudian masukan perlahan-lahan ke dalam panci terisi susu, whipcream dan gula. Aduk terus sampai mendidih dan kental. Matikan api dan masukan butter dan vanilla paste. Kulkaskan sampai dingin kira2 1-2 jam..
- Siapkan buah2an dan panaskan selai apricot (bisa dengan microwave) sampai encer dan dinginkan..
- Tuang vla ke dalam pie crust dan oles sampai rapih..
- Tatakan buah sesuai selera dan oles dengan selai apricot bila selesai..
Remove pie crusts from pouches; place flat on work surface. These cute mini fruit tarts are a wonderful dessert option for parties or potlucks; try them filled with raspberries and blackberries, or your favorite fresh fruits. How to Make an Authentic French Fruit Tart. A tart is a sweet or savory dish made from pastry dough with a firm, crumbly crust. Tarts are typically baked in a pan with shallow sides and a removable bottom since they only have a bottom crust, and are unmolded before serving.