Pie Buah (Fruit Pie). Oven ku yang terpisahkan jauh dari ku. hehehe. terpaksa Si Ovie harus nginep di rumah tanteku. karna di sini ga muat. Fruit pie ini cocok untuk hantaran lamaran, lebaran,natal, atau hari raya lainnya. Bisa juga untuk acara ulangtahun, arisan dll.
Cara mudah membuat Resep Fruit Pie ala Hotel Berbintang. Semua pasti sudah mengetahu bahwa tubuh kita membutuhkan gizi, vitamin, mineral dan kandungan kandungan bermanfaat lainnya secara berimbang yang didapat dari sayuran, buah buahan dan bahan makanan yang lain. Di sini rasa penasaran bunda akan terobati. You can cook Pie Buah (Fruit Pie) using 19 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Pie Buah (Fruit Pie)
- It's of Bahan Kulit :.
- It's 300 gr of tepung terigu.
- It's 160 gr of margarine.
- You need 20 gram of gula halus.
- It's 2 of kuning telur.
- You need of Bahan untuk Vla :.
- It's 250 ml of Susu cair.
- You need 100 ml of Susu kental Manis (klu suka Manis bisa ditambah).
- It's 30 gram of tepung maizena (bs ditambah klu kurang kental).
- You need 50 gram of keju oles (spready).
- It's secukupnya of Vanili.
- It's of Bahan glaze :.
- Prepare 1 sdt of agar2 plain.
- Prepare 100 ml of air.
- It's 1 sdt of gula pasir.
- It's of Bahan topping :.
- It's Buah of sesuai selera (anggur, stawberry, kiwi, jeruk dll).
- Prepare of Bahan olesan crust:.
- It's 100 gr of DCC (Lelehkan).
When I looked in my chest freezer today there were partial bags of sour pie cherries, raspberries, blueberries all from last year's Having a surplus of pie pans at the ready, I can pretty much find one that will fit any amount of fruit. This is somewhat of a different way to approach. Bake a hearty fruit pie for dessert. Our collection of year-round pastry classics includes apple & blackberry, summer berries, lemon meringue and mince pies.
Pie Buah (Fruit Pie) step by step
- Panaskan oven. Campur semua bahan kulit aduk rata, kemudian masukkan ke cetakan pie tekan2 sampai rapi & tusuk2 menggunakan garpu. Panggang sampai matang atau agak kecoklatan..
- Bahan vla. Cairkan tepung maizena dengan sedikit susu. Campur Susu cair, skm, keju spready & vanili. Aduk sampai tercampur kemudian panaskan. Setelah cukup panas, masukkan maizena yg sdh dilarutkan masak sampai meletup2. Dinginkan..
- Bahan glaze. Masak semua bahan glaze sampai mendidih sisihkan..
- Lelehkan dark compound chocolate dengan Cara di Tim. Sisihkan..
- Iris2 buah sesuai selera. Sisihkan.
- Penyelesaian : ambil crust atau kulit pie yg sdh dipanggang Dan sdh dingin, kemudian oles tipis permukaan nya dengan DCC cair tunggu sampai DCC mengeras..
- Setelah DCC mengeras. Tuang vla yg sdh dingin ratakan. Tata buah diatas vla. Langka terakhir oles buah dengan bahan glaze..
This traditional shortcrust lattice pie is filled with sweet, ripe fruit- serve warm with plenty of custard, cream or ice cream. Trusted fruit pie recipes from Betty Crocker. Find easy to make recipes and browse photos, reviews, tips and more. Our Test Kitchen shares some couldn't-be-simpler recipes to follow. I want to stay by saying that this pie is about as Japanese as I am and I have no earthly idea where the name came from - but this is what my grandmother had written down as the title in her cookbook so that is what we are calling it.