Batagor. Many of the words in Indonesia are being abbreviated, for Batagor is a popular street food in the city of Bandung in West Java. But batagor can be easily found. Lihat juga resep Batagor Pangsit Simple enak lainnya.
Selain itu, batagor yang dibuat sendiri tentu lebih terjamin kebersihannya. Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan jajanan yang berasal dari Bandung ini. Ya, selain Siomay, kota Bandung juga terkenal dengan Resep Batagor Bandung nya. You can cook Batagor using 23 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Batagor
- You need 300 gr of ayam bagian paha.
- It's 1 butir of telur UK besar.
- It's 3 bh of bawang putih goreng.
- Prepare 1 bh of wortel uk sedang.
- It's 3 of daun bawang.
- It's 5-8 sdm of tepung tapioka.
- It's 1 sdm of tepung terigu.
- It's 1 sdt of garam.
- You need 1/2 sdt of kaldu jamur.
- It's 2 sdm of saos tiram.
- Prepare 1 sdm of minyak wijen.
- You need 5 lembar of kulit pangsit.
- You need 5 bh of tahu putih/kuning.
- You need of Bumbu kacang:.
- You need 3 sdm of kacang goreng.
- It's 2 sdm of gula merah.
- You need 1 bh of cabe besar.
- Prepare 2 bh of bawang goreng.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam.
- Prepare 3 sdm of kecap manis.
- It's of Bahan lain :.
- You need of Bawang goreng.
- Prepare of Jeruk sambel.
Batagor yang dulunya hanya bisa digoreng, saat ini bisa juga disajikan Nggak perlu bingung gimana cara bikinnya, berikut cara membuat batagor Bandung yang enak dan mudah yang rangkum. Batagor (abbreviated from Bakso Tahu Goreng, Sundanese and Indonesian: "fried bakso [and] tofu") is a Sundanese dish from Indonesia, and popular in Southeast Asia, consisting of fried fish dumplings, usually served with peanut sauce. Batagor is an abbreviation from baso tahu goreng. Here is a little tutorial of bahasa Indonesia.
Batagor step by step
- Blender ayam, telur dan bawang goreng.
- Tambahkan wortel parut, daun bawang, tepung, garam dan bumbu lain.
- Tes rasa, jika cukup,bungkus adonan di kulit pangsit dan tahu..
- Kukus hingga matang kurleb 30'.
- Goreng minyak panas.
- Untuk membuat bumbu. Blender semua bahan. Tes rasa, dan tumis hingga matang.
- Sajikan,taburi bawang goreng, sambal, jeruk sambal ;).
Batagor (Baso Tahu Goreng) - Fried Dumplings -. Batagor (abbreviated from Bakso Tahu Goreng, Sundanese and Indonesian: "fried bakso [and] tofu") is a Sundanese dish from Indonesia, and popular in Southeast Asia, consisting of fried fish dumplings. Contribute to adzkar/batagor development by creating an account on GitHub. Vind stockafbeeldingen in HD voor Batagor This Batagor Goreng Batagor Kuah en miljoenen andere rechtenvrije stockfoto's, illustraties en vectoren in de Shutterstock-collectie. Batagor (abbreviation from: Bakso Tahu Goreng, Sundanese and Indonesian: "fried bakso and tofu") is Sundanese Indonesian fried fish dumplings usually served with peanut sauce.