Proll Tape Happycall. Locks Anything Into Place Without Screws, Anchors Or Adhesive! Releases Cleanly & Easily With No Sticky Residue Or Damage! Includes one year of unlimited recording.
Once you're done, the recordings show up instantly, ready for you to share or save. Yes we have come a long way, yet Innovative thinking, and quality cookware will always be embedded in Happycall. Happycall takes pride of all its products, ensuring quality and consistency. You can have Proll Tape Happycall using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Proll Tape Happycall
- Prepare 300 gr of tape singkong, haluskan dengan garpu.
- Prepare 3 butir of telur.
- It's 100 gr of gula pasir.
- Prepare 50 gr of Margarine lelehkan.
- Prepare 100 ml of susu uht.
- Prepare 70 gr of tepung terigu.
- Prepare 1/4 sdt of garam.
- Prepare of Topping :.
- You need secukupnya of Keju parut.
- Prepare of Kismis, rendam air panas 5 menit dan tiriskan.
Pan; Pot; Cookware Sets; Induction Cookware Pro Tapes is a tape supplier, manufacturer and expert adhesive tape converter. We custom cut adhesive tapes, foams, foils, cloth tapes and more. Product Title Happycall Double Pan Double-Sided Non-Stick Omelette. Product Title Happycall Induction Titanium Non-Stick Frying Pan.
Proll Tape Happycall step by step
- Siapkan semua bahan, kocok gula dan telur hingga gula larut dengan whisk. Masukkan susu uht aduk rata kembali..
- Masukkan tape singkong yang sudah dihaluskan, aduk rata lalu masukkan terigu lalu margarine cair, aduk rata..
- Masukkan kedalam cetakan yang telah oles margarine dan dialasi baking paper saya pakai loyang diameter 18cm. Ratakan dan beri topping parutan keju dan kismis..
- Panggang dengan happy call, panggang dengan api sedang kurleb 25-30 menit. Agar tidak mudah gosong, tumpuk 2 tungku dan 10 menit sekali happycall digeser/diubah posisinya agar matang merata..
- Angkat dan sajikan..
Along the same lines, they continue to develop strong partnerships both on- and offline to. Happy Call Singapore for the Kitchen. Cooking can be delightfully easy if you have the right cooking equipment with you so that you can do palatable dishes in a bit. Happy Call is a brand dedicated to making your kitchen a lot easier to maintain with several kitchen tools and cooking utensils. Learn to make the most of your TapeACall experience.