Prol Tape Rolled Oat. Disebut kue prol sebab saat dimakan kue ini langsung pecah atau 'ngeprol' dalam bahasa Jawa. Makanan khas Jember dengan cita rasa manis legit serta aroma khas tape singkong ini, sekilas hampir mirip dengan cake tape hanya saja teksturnya lebih padat. Rolled oats are a type of lightly processed whole-grain food.
Prol Tape is one of the local traditional food products (cake) from Jember, made from fermented cassava. Quality improvement problems were still faced by producers of prol tape. This was due to limited information of consumers' satisfaction factors of this product. You can have Prol Tape Rolled Oat using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Prol Tape Rolled Oat
- It's 300 gr of tape singkong.
- Prepare 75 gr of brown sugar bubuk.
- It's 50 gr of mentega, lelehkan.
- You need 3 sdm of susu bubuk.
- You need 100 ml of air.
- It's 3 butir of telur.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam.
- You need 80 gr of rolled oat.
- Prepare 1 sdt of vanilla essence (saya pake toffieco).
- Prepare of Kismis dan wijen putih untuk topping (bebas).
These oats are a perfect addition to your morning routine to support your training and fitness ambitions. A wide variety of rolled oat options are available to you, such as cultivation type, style. Menerima pemesanan Prol tape keju untuk area Cibubur dan sekitarnya. Benefits of steel-cut oats for constipation.
Prol Tape Rolled Oat step by step
- Siapkan loyang ukuran 22x10x4, lapisi dengan baking paper/kertas roti yang anti lengket..
- Panaskan oven dengan api sedang agak kecil (saya pake oven tangkring)..
- Campurkan telur dan gula, aduk2 pake wisker sampai gula larut, sisihkan..
- Haluskan tape dan air (saya pake chopper). Tambahkan mentega leleh, susu bubuk, vanilla essence, rolled oats, dan campuran telur gula tadi, aduk sampai rata..
- Tuang ke loyang, hentak2an supaya g ada udara yg terjebak..
- Beri topping, lalu panggang sampai matang. Lakukan tes tusuk untuk mengetahui kue sudah matang atau belum. Kalau ditusuk sudah tidak ada yg menempel, artinya kue sudah matang..
- Enaknya dimakan dalam keadaan dingin (suhu ruang)..
Irish oatmeal or steel-cut oatmeal goes through the process of cutting. Steel cut oats are just simple groats of oats, non -processed, cut into pieces. Rolled or Whole oats are steamed lightly to soften them and then rolled. There are a number of differences between oat bran and rolled oats, it's important to understand these so as to assess which type best suits your nutritional needs and which texture you may prefer. Let's look more closely at the differences between the two.