Choco Crepes Cake. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE Today I have for you my favourite super easy and quick chocolate crepe roll cake recipe ! Triple Chocolate Crepe Cake - rich chocolate crepes with chocolate truffle filling! Chocolate Raspberry Cake Roll - the best chocolate sponge cake filled with raspberry cream!
Chocolate-hazelnut Crepe Cake, Crepe Cake With Lemon Cream, Crepe Cake Recipe - And A Genius Crepe Cake Technique. This decadent dark chocolate crepe cake is topped with sugar-coated hazelnuts for even more flavor. Crepe Cake With Pastry Cream and Raspberries. You can cook Choco Crepes Cake using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Choco Crepes Cake
- You need 100 Gr of Tepung Terigu.
- Prepare 50 Gr of Gula Halus (atau sesuai selera).
- It's 40 Gr of Cokelat Bubuk.
- You need 300 Ml of Susu Cair Plain.
- It's 2 Butir of Telur Ayam.
- Prepare 20 Gr of Mentega.
- Prepare Sejumput of Garam.
- You need of Bahan Whipping.
- You need 300 Ml of Whipping Cair.
- Prepare 2 Sdm of Gula Halus (Atau sesuai selera).
Everything about this elegant-looking cake makes it apt and appropriate to make a romantic dinner with your special one a much more sweeter affair! This is a rich and moist chocolate cake. It only takes a few minutes to prepare the batter. Frost with your favorite chocolate frosting.
Choco Crepes Cake step by step
- Ayak tepung terigu, gula halus, cokelat dan garam supaya adonan menjadi lembut sisihkan. Panaskan susu cair, tidak perlu sampai mendidih sisihkan. Jika Ibu - Ibu suka manis bisa tambahkan gula bubuk nya ya..
- Masukkan telur kedalam campuran tepung yang sudah diayak, aduk hingga merata. Masukkan rebusan susu perlahan, sambil diaduk. Masukkan mentega yang sudah dicairkan, aduk. Jika sudah saring adonan. Tutup dengan plastik simpan dalam kulkas selama 1 jam..
- Kemudian panaskan teflon dengan diolesi minyak makan, tuang adonan dengan 1 takaran sendok sayur, masak hingga matang seperti membuat kulit lumpia. Ulangi sampai adonan habis..
- Buat cream, tuang whipping cair kedalam mangkok, simpan dalam freezer selama 5 menit. Ayak gula bubuk. Kemudian tuangkan gula kedalam cairan whipping kocok hingga kaku..
- Jika sudah susun kulit cake dengan cream secara bergantian, lakukan hingga kulit habis. Taburkan cokelat bubuk diatas nya kemudian simpan dikulkas selama 3 jam. Kemudian potong dan sajikan..
Savoury Cake Matcha Crepes Foodies Desserts Crepe Cake Crepes And Waffles Creamy Crepe Cake is the name of this kind of cake. I make crepe often because I have a electronic crepe pan so. Indulge in these irrestible chocolate cake recipes. From classic chocolate fudge cake to gooey chocolate torte, find your new favourite. Paper-thin crepes are layered with a rich frosting made of whipped coconut cream, mascarpone and lemon zest for a bright and stunning spring cake.