Recipe: Yummy Crepes Suzette (Crepes ala Prancis dengan sirup jeruk)

10.000 Resep Favorit Nusantara

Crepes Suzette (Crepes ala Prancis dengan sirup jeruk). Crêpes Suzette (pronounced [kʁɛp syˈzɛt]) is a French dessert consisting of crêpes with beurre Suzette (pronounced [bœʁ syzɛt]), a sauce of caramelized sugar and butter, tangerine or orange juice, zest, and Grand Marnier, triple sec or orange Curaçao liqueur on top. Just keep to the directions below for Gordon Ramsay's Crepes Suzette. Das Rezept Crepes Suzette sind Crepes, die in karamellisiertem Zucker und Orangensaft geschwenkt und flambiert werden.

Crepes Suzette (Crepes ala Prancis dengan sirup jeruk) Bei jedem Produkt können Sie Ihren Wunschnamen angeben. En este breve y sencillo vídeo podréis ver Cómo hacer crepes Suzette. Crepes Suzette, nada mais é que um crepe de laranja, seja na massa ou no recheio. You can have Crepes Suzette (Crepes ala Prancis dengan sirup jeruk) using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Crepes Suzette (Crepes ala Prancis dengan sirup jeruk)

  1. It's of Adonan pancake.
  2. Prepare 4 butir of telur.
  3. It's 2 1/3 cup of susu cair.
  4. It's 2/3 cup of gula pasir.
  5. You need 1/2 sdt of garam Himalaya.
  6. It's 4 sdm of mentega yang sudah dilelehkan.
  7. It's of Saus suzette.
  8. You need 2/3 cup of jus jeruk.
  9. It's 1/3 cup of gula pasir.
  10. You need 3 sdm of jenever lemon / dry gin (optional).
  11. You need 6 sdm of mentega leleh.
  12. You need 1/4 sdt of garam.

Mas não se engane pois esse crepe é altamente perfumado, macio, saboroso e ainda muito fácil a preparar. Leva Grand Marnier, um tipo de licor de laranja, mas se não tiver em casa, não se preocupe, substitua por. Mit ► Portionsrechner ► Kochbuch ► Video-Tipps! Mein Sohn wünscht es sich schon traditionell als Dessert.

Crepes Suzette (Crepes ala Prancis dengan sirup jeruk) instructions

  1. Campur semua bahan adonan dalam baskom besar. Aduk pakai mixer atau tangan atau bisa pakai blender juga, intinya sampai tercampur saja. Adonan akan encer.
  2. Jika sudah tercampur rata, simpan di kulkas selama kurang lebih satu jam. Atau bisa dibuat semalam sebelumnya..
  3. Panaskan teflon anti lengket lalu olesi sedikit butter. Masak hingga matang atau sampai Crepes bisa dilipat, jangan terlalu kering karena nanti kaku..
  4. Untuk sausnya, masukkan semua bahan-bahan saus. Dengan api sedang tunggu hingga mendidih, jika cairan sudah berkurang setengahnya, saus hampir selesai. Semakin lama dimasak, semakin kental dan kuat rasanya. Jadi sesuaikan keinginan masing-masing..
  5. Pindahkan saus ke mangkok. Di wajan yang sama, masukkan Crepes lalu lipat seperti ini, lalu angkat, ulangi sesuai kebutuhan. Tuang saus suzette sesuai keinginan, Crepes ini sangat pas dengan potongan buah-buahan..

IUP faculty member Chef Clifford Klinger teaches culinary recruiter Teresa how to make a classic dessert that is both simple to make and elegant to serve. Enjoy the demonstration, and then try the Crêpes Suzette recipe for yourself! Deixe flambear até que o álcool evapore por completo, e leve finalmente os crepes Suzette à mesa, cobertos com o molho de laranja. This no flambé crepes Suzette recipe is for all the cooks who would love to try the famous, caramelized orange essence of crepes Suzette, without the hassle of flambéing the dessert. This recipe yields a sweet crepe that is very close in flavor and appearance to the original version.

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