Rainbow crepes cake 🌈. Compare Prices on Crepe Cake in Kitchen & Dining. Cook the crepe begins to gently bubble and cook through, then flip. Repeat until all of the different color crepe batter is used.
Blend until mixture is smooth and foamy. A Rainbow Crepe Cake, are you freaking kidding me? It's kind of like making a rainbow layer cake only one billion trillion times easier (or, you know, just regularly easier). You can cook Rainbow crepes cake 🌈 using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Rainbow crepes cake 🌈
- It's of Bahan A :.
- Prepare 2 butir of telur.
- It's 450 ml of susu cair, kalo saya susu kental manis secukupnya sisanya.
- It's of Susu cair semua. Dicampur susu cair dan susu kental manisnya.
- You need 1 1/2 sdm of mentega cair.
- It's of Bahan B :.
- You need 175 gr of tepung terigu protein sedang.
- Prepare 30 gr of tepung maizena.
- It's 1 sdm munjung of gula halus.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam.
- You need of Pewarna makanan pink,kuning, orange,hijau,biru,ungu (opsional).
- Prepare of Bahan filling :.
- You need 170 gr of Whippy cream bubuk (me: merk Haan).
- It's 340 ml of air es.
The vanilla yogurt layers also make the cake not only taste like vanilla heaven, but it's way healthier for you than frosting. Place the flour, potato starch, and sugar in a bowl and lightly beat with an electric mixture. This will break up lumps and does the same thing as sifting the ingredients. Gradually add the milk, mixing with each addition.
Rainbow crepes cake 🌈 instructions
- Campurkan semua bahan A aduk rata, sisihkan.
- Campurkan semua bahan B lalu ayak biar halus dan mudah larut.
- Tuang bahan A kedalam Bahan B aduk rata lalu saring biar adonan tidak ada yg bergerindil. Bagi adonan jadi beberapa bagian lalu Beri pewarna sesuai selera jika suka atau polosan juga gak papa.
- Panaskan teflon (ukuran 18cm) olesi minyak tipis. biarkan hangat lalu tuang adonan satu sendok sayur. Saya 1/8 cup (teplonnya sambil diputarkan biar rata) diamkan sampai ada gelembung2 dan kering atasnya (gk basah pas dipegang) Angkat sisihkan. lakukan sampai selesai.
- Sambil menunggu semua kulit crepe dingin kita buat filling nya. Campurkan bubuk whippy cream dengan air es lalu mixer sampai kaku (bisa ditambahkan creamcheese atau butter jika ada dan suka).
- Penyelesaian; - Ambil 1 lembar kulit crepes olesi tipis dengan whippy cream timpa lagi dengan kulit crepe olesi lagi begitu seterusnya sampai selesai (pada tahap ini mesti Sabaaarrr).
- Setelah selesai simpan dulu di freezer sampai set/beku kayak es krim baru sajikan (biar dipotongnya rapi).
- Nikmati dg segelas kopi susu (fresh milk) gula aren 😋 selamat mencoba 😍.
Then add the vanilla extract and mix well until the batter is smooth. Cook the crepe begins to gently bubble and cook through, then flip. Repeat until all of the different color crepe batter is used. Stack crepes on top of each other, starting with purple, then blue, green, yellow, orange, and red, with whipped cream between each layer. Cover the crepe cake in whipped cream, so that it's fully white on the outside.