Bolu jadul Nutella frosting. Lihat juga resep Bolu jadul Nutella frosting enak lainnya. Made from a blend of cocoa and Nutella®, this buttercream frosting will wow you on any cake! It is a dream to pipe and will make the most beautiful flowers to decorate cakes or cupcakes.
Jadinya ya bolu jadul biasa tapi dihias meses di. Bolu jadul Nutella frosting Ada temen request birthday cake u anaknya.biar enak makannya,butter bolunya sy pake wjisman,cream toppingnya pake Nutella campur margarin.hiasan tinggal tabur coklat.praktis😁 Whipped Nutella Frosting is so creamy and smooth, you'll want to eat it with a spoon! This easy frosting recipe is fantastic for both cakes and cupcakes. You can have Bolu jadul Nutella frosting using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Bolu jadul Nutella frosting
- It's of Cake.
- It's 100 gr of terigu.
- It's 125 gr of wjisman butter.
- Prepare 125 gr of gula pasir.
- Prepare 4 btr of telur.
- It's of Topping.
- You need 100 gr of nutella.
- Prepare 100 gr of blue band.
- It's 200 gr of gula halus (boleh dikurangi).
- Prepare Secukupnya of coklat permen.
Once you make this hazelnut frosting, you won't want to try any other recipes! It's full of chocolate hazelnut flavor and so silky smooth. You only need four ingredients for today's frosting - butter, Nutella, confectioners' sugar, and a dash of salt. A little salt helps tone down the sweetness of the frosting.
Bolu jadul Nutella frosting instructions
- Lelehkan wjisman butter.sisihkan.
- Kocok telur dan gula hingga mengembang.putih telur hanya dipakai 2 butir.dgn speed tinggi.
- Masukkan terigu kocok hingga tercampur rata dgn speed mixer terendah.
- Campur batur ke dalam adonan.aduk pake spatula dgn tehnik aduk balik hingga tercampur merata.
- Tuang adonan ke loyang.panggang hingga matang.dinginkan.
- Campur semua bahan frosting.aduk pake mixer hingga tercampur rata.ckp pakai speed rendah.sebagian masukkan piping bag.
- Potong kue jadi dua dari bagian samping.oles lapisan pertama dgn buttercream.tumpuk pake lapisan kedua.olesi hingga rata seluruh permukaan.hias memakai buttercream di piping bag.taburi coklat permen.siap ditiup😁.
Akhirnya aku buat bolu susu lembang juga,ini bahannya simple tapi enak. Pokonya lembut rasanya pas enak lah ehehe. Sekarang paksu yang kalo mam ga. Cara membuat Bolu Jadul Keju (Classic Cheese Cake), resep Terlebih dahulu panaskan oven. Craftlog Paling suka dengan si Marmer Cake, cake klasik yang selalu disuka, karena bisa dimodif dengan bahan lainnya.