Buko Pandan Creamy. Refreshing your life in your taste. · Woweeeee 🍃CREAMY BUKO PANDAN🍃 is rising. Buko Pandan is a popular Filipino Dessert made using young coconut, pandan leaves (or Screwpine leaves), and sago pearls. The dish is composed of a sweet and creamy concoction.
Buko pandan is a Filipino dessert that is made of shredded coconut, pandan (screw pine). Buko Pandan has captured every Filipino dessert lover's hearts with the softness of coconut and Buko Pandan. Buko Pandan a traditional Filipino Dessert made with agar-agar, coconut strings, pearls, evaporated milk, and condensed milk. You can cook Buko Pandan Creamy using 17 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Buko Pandan Creamy
- It's of Bahan Agar :.
- You need 1 Bungkus of Nutrijel Plain.
- It's 200 Grm of Gula Putih.
- It's 3 1/2 Gelas of Air Putih.
- You need Secukupnya of Pewarna Pandan.
- You need of Bahan Fla Creamy :.
- It's 600 ML of Air Putih.
- It's 200 ML of Air Kelapa.
- You need 1/2 Kaleng Susu of Kental Manis (Boleh Lebih Sesuai Selera).
- Prepare Secukupnya of Pewarna Pandan.
- You need 1 Sdm of Keju Parut.
- Prepare 1 Lembar of Daun Pandan.
- It's 1 Sdm of Tepung Maizena + 50 ML Air.
- It's of Topping:.
- It's Secukupnya of Kelapa Serut.
- You need Secukupnya of Keju Parut.
- You need Secukupnya of Nata De Coco.
This is a refreshing dessert to eat on a warm day. Want to serve your loved ones a sweet, cold and oh-so yummy treat this summer? Credits to google for this photo. I really loved making desserts, most especially those no bake ones.
Buko Pandan Creamy instructions
- Siapkan semua bahan yg diperlukan.
- Cara membuat agar agar : campurkan nutrijel plain dengan gula dan air, masak sampai mendidih..
- Bagi menjadi dua wadah, yg satu biarkan warna bening dan yg satunya lagi kasih pewarna pandan. Biarkan agar sampai set..
- Cara membuat fla creamy : tuangakn air putih dan air kelapa, masukan susu kental manis, pewarna pandan dan keju parut..
- Aduk-aduk sampai larut dan mendidih kemudian masukan daun pandan dan tepung maizena yg sudah di larutkan dengan 50ML air. Aduk-aduk, setelah itu matikan api dan biarkan kuah dingin..
- Siapkan gelas saji, masukan es batu dan toping kemudian siram dengan air fla creamy. (Bisa tanpa es batu, air fla creamy masukan kedalm kulkas hingga dingin..
- Buko Pandan siap disajikan. Selamat mencoba, dan ranya enak sekali bunda 🥰🥰 lihat versi videonya kunjungi aja yuk chanel youtubenya ilah nursika.
Buko Pandan Crinkle Cookies Easy to make moist and soft crinkle cookie, with unique flavour of It's creamy, sweet, and full of great mix-ins such as jelly, mini tapioca pearls, and coconut meat. Buko Pandan Drink is a sure-fire way to cool yourself this summer! With creamy coconut juice, bits of young coconut and pandan flavored gelatin. Beat the scorching summer heat with this refreshing. Buko pandan is a classic Pinoy recipe that is simple yet delicious.