How to Cook Perfect Buko pandan

10.000 Resep Favorit Nusantara

Buko pandan. Buko Pandan is a popular Filipino Dessert made using young coconut, pandan leaves (or Screwpine leaves), and sago pearls. At first glance, this dessert dish can be mistaken for Buko Salad. Both desserts are almost similar visually.

Buko pandan Buko Pandan a traditional Filipino Dessert made with agar-agar, coconut strings, pearls, evaporated milk, and condensed milk. This is a refreshing dessert to eat on a warm day. Buko Pandan is a traditional Filipino Dessert which is a staple dessert for most Filipino get-togethers- and that's how I discovered this delicious dessert! You can have Buko pandan using 19 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Buko pandan

  1. You need of 🌸 Bahan puding pandan :.
  2. Prepare 1 bungkus of agar2 hijau (boleh yg plain), kalau mau yg kenyal,.
  3. You need of pakai nutrijell plain saja.
  4. Prepare 100 gr of gula pasir (sesuai selera).
  5. Prepare 700 ml of air (kalau pakai nutrijell, airnya 500 ml).
  6. Prepare Beberapa tetes of pasta pandan secukupnya (sesuai selera).
  7. You need of Nata de coco, ambil dagingnya saja.
  8. You need of Jelly rasa kelapa, yg dipotong2 dadu.
  9. Prepare of Sago mutiara sesuai selera (optional).
  10. You need of Daging kelapa, diiris tipis2 (optional).
  11. You need of 🌸 Bahan kuah :.
  12. Prepare of Air kelapa (optional), notes yah air kelapa tdk tahan lama meski.
  13. Prepare of disimpan di kulkas.
  14. It's 2-3 sdm of krimmer (saya pakai karena tdk pakai air kelapa. Tapi.
  15. You need of tdk pakai krimmer pun tetap enak dan creamy koq).
  16. Prepare 1 kaleng susu of evaporasi.
  17. You need 200 gr of skm (sesuai selera).
  18. You need of Air sirup gula (sesuai selera dan optional).
  19. It's Beberapa tetes of pasta pandan secukupnya.

Buko Pandan is a Filipino cold dessert made of jelly cubes, young coconut, and sweetened cream flavored with pandan. It's usually made for a special occasion, parties, or holidays. Obviously you can make it anytime you want, like I do. It's creamy, sweet, and full of great mix-ins such as jelly, mini tapioca pearls, and coconut meat.

Buko pandan step by step

  1. Untuk agar2, ikutin aja petunjuk di bungkusannya yah. Sebelom dimasak, aduk jadi 1 semua bahan (termasuk pasta pandannya) lalu aduk sampai rata dan tidak menggumpal baru nyalain kompornya dan masak sampai meletup2. Angkat dan biarkan set baru deh potong kotak2. (Boleh juga saat mendidih dan tunggu uapnya hilang baru ditambahin pasta pandannya, saya pakai cara ini biar wangi pandannya berasa banget)..
  2. Kuah ➡️ campur susu evaporasi, skm dan beberapa tetes pandan. Aduk saja jadi satu dan rata..
  3. Begitu juga dgn jelly kelapanya. Ikuti instruksinya saja lalu biarkan set dan potong dadu.
  4. Utk sago, masak dgn api sedang sampai sagonya menjadi bening. Tiriskan dan siram dgn air dingin. Sisihkan..
  5. Karena takaran kuahnya mau banyak, maka saya masak air bersama sedikit gula pasir sampai gulanya larut atau hangat. Baru tambahin krimmer dan pasta pandannya. Setelah dingin air gulanya, baru deh dicampur ke dlm campuran dua susu tadi..
  6. Saya pakai wadah besar, campur jadi 1 semuanya, kuah dan isian. Dinginkan di kulkas, yummy... Tips jika pakai air kelapa, jgn dicampur air kelapanya bersama dgn susu yah. Saat mau dimakan, baru dicampur air kelapa dgn campuran kuah susu dan isiannya..

Buko pandan salad is a dessert consisting of pandan flavored gelatin and shredded young coconut mixed with cream and sweetened milk. It is very popular in every Filipino party or salu-salo especially during Christmas time. Normally, to get the pandan flavor, the gelatin is cooked along with pandan leaves. This delicious buko pandan dessert is composed of buko strips (young coconut meat that is tender and jelly-like in texture), gelatin infused with the aromatic pandan leaves (or screwpine leaves), nata de coco (coconut jelly), and sago pearls. For the sauce, I used cream cheese for a thicker, creamier consistency.

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