Buko Pandan Creamy Simple. Assallamu'allaikum teman-teman kali ini aku mau share resep buko pandan super simple dan creamy minuman khas filipina. ternyata gampang banget bikinnya. HOW TO MAKE CREAMY BUKO PANDAN Hello everyone! I am sharing with you another interesting video on how to make creamy buko pandan at home.
Buko Pandan is a Filipino dessert made of shredded coconut, pandan (screw pine) flavored jelly, and lots and lots of cream. It's very simple to make and the color blends nicely with the Buko pandan is a cold and creamy dessert popularly served during parties. Top it with ice cream for a special touch. You can have Buko Pandan Creamy Simple using 9 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Buko Pandan Creamy Simple
- You need of A. Bahan Agar Kenyal.
- You need 1 sachet of Tepung agar Swallow warna Hijau.
- It's 2 sdm of Gula Pasir.
- Prepare 500 ml of Air Kelapa Muda beserta dagingnya (dipisah).
- It's of B. Bahan Kuah dan pelengkap.
- It's 1 kaleng Susu of Evaporasi (saya merk F&N).
- You need 1/2 kaleng of SKM putih atau 3 Sachet SKM putih.
- You need Secukupnya of Pasta/pewarna makanan rasa pandan /hijau.
- Prepare sesuai selera of Keju Parut.
Buko Pandan is a popular Filipino Dessert made using young coconut, pandan leaves , and sago pearls. This recipe is quick and easy to make. The dish is composed of a sweet and creamy concoction. Condensed milk, all-purpose cream, and strings of young coconut are the main.
Buko Pandan Creamy Simple instructions
- Campur Tepung agar hijau bersama gula pasir dalam wadah. Aduk merata..
- Tuangkan Air kelapa muda ke dalamnya, aduk merata.
- Masak hingga mendidih. Lalu dinginkan dan biarkan mengeras di dalam kulkas..
- Setelah agar jadi, potong kotak kubis kecil sesuai selera..
- Campur potongan agar tsb bersama daging kelapa muda di dalam wadah/mangkuk besar..
- Tuangkan susu Evaporasi dan Susu Kental Manis ke dalamnya..
- Tambahkan pasta pandan secukupnya. Aduk merata.
- Buko Pandan sudah jadi lalu dinginkan dalam kulkas sekitar 1 jam agar lebih segar..
- Buko pandan siap disajikan. Beri taburan keju parut sesuai selera..
Buko Pandan is one of our favorite desserts! I cannot count how many times I've made this at parati pa ring taob ang lalagyan. I guess this is just everybody's favorite especially because I make sure I use Nestle All Purpose Cream. It's the perfect partner if you want to make the creamy desserts like this. One of my specialties is my Creamy Mango Buko Pandan.