Strawberry Cheese Cake. Buy Groceries at Amazon & Save. Serve reserved strawberry sauce with cheesecake. If the sauce it too thick, stir in water.
Make glaze: In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine strawberry preserves and lemon juice. Whisk constantly until the mixture is smooth. Top the cheesecake with strawberries, then brush the. You can cook Strawberry Cheese Cake using 17 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Strawberry Cheese Cake
- You need 125 gr of Cream cheese.
- Prepare 90 gr of susu cair/evaporasi.
- Prepare 60 gr of unsalted butter.
- Prepare 35 gr of Tepung Cake (Kunci).
- It's 30 gr of Tepung Maizena.
- Prepare 120 gr of Kuning Telur.
- You need 150 gr of Putih telur.
- Prepare 1/4 sdt of garam.
- It's 1/2 sdt of cuka.
- You need 90 gr of gula pasir halus.
- Prepare 2 sdm of Keju Parmesan parut (saya skip).
- Prepare of Bahan Krim :.
- Prepare 100 gr of Whipping cream bubuk (sy Haan).
- It's 200 ml of air es (suhu 0-5 dercel).
- Prepare of Topping dan Pelengkap :.
- You need of Fresh Strawberry, Kiwi, dan Mangga.
- Prepare of Almond Slice yg uda di sangrai.
Strawberry Cheese Cake Recipes Looking for recipes for strawberry cheesecake? Taste of Home has the best strawberry cheesecake recipes from real cooks like you, featuring reviews, ratings, how-to videos and tips. This Strawberry Cheesecake is a stunner! An incredible rich-yet-light cheesecake recipe, finished with a gorgeous strawberry topping that tastes as amazing as it looks.
Strawberry Cheese Cake instructions
- Cairkan susu, creamcheese sampai larut, tambahkan butter (Kalo masih bergerindil, saring). Tunggu hangat, lalu masukkan kuning telur. Aduk rata, sisihkan..
- Masukkan cairan tersebut ke dalam mangkok yg berisi tepung terigu + maizena. Aduk pake ballon whisk sampai rata licin..
- Kocok putih telur + cuka + garam sampai setengah mengembang. Masukkan gula pasir bertahap sampai 3x. Kocok lagi sampai soft peak..
- Masukkan sekitar 4 sdm kocokan putih telur kedalam pasta kuning telur. Aduk rata. Lalu tuang balik ke baskom putih telur telur. Aduk balik sampai merata halus pakai spatula..
- Tuang ke loyang bulat yang sudah dialasi kertas roti. Panggang dengan sistem Au Bain Marie (taruh loyang berisi air dg ketinggian sekitr 1 cm dibawah loyang utama). Tujuannya spy cake moist, lumer, ngga cepet gosong..
- Hentakkan loyang 2x supaya gelembung2 udara keluar. Panggang 160 derajat selama 45 menit. Uji tusuk pake lidi utk tau dalemnya sudah mateng..
- Diamkan dulu supaya dingin. Baru dipotong supaya cakenya rapi saat dipotong, ngga keriwil2..
- Whipping cream : Masukkan whipcream bubuk + air es ke dalam mangkuk mixer dg kecepatan tinggi selama 2-2,5 menit. Sisihkan. Krim ini ngga eneg menurut saya..
- Setelah cake dingin, potong menjadi 2 bagian. Olesi dengan whipping cream, lalu tata strawberry diatasnya. Lalu whipping cream lagi. Baru tumpuk dengan cake lagi. Lapisi seluruh permukaan cake dg whipping cream. Taburi roasted almond slice tepi kuenya. Bagian atasnya hias dengan buah segar. Lalu masukkan kulkas semalaman. Lebih segar dimakan saat dingin🥰🥰🥰..
You'll love how the sauce slowly drips down the cheesecake with every bite, and how the filling is creamy and rich, but it's a bit fluffy rather than heavy and dense. How do you make a cheesecake base? The base for this strawberry cheesecake is made with graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and melted butter. Mix all this together until the mixture resembles wet sand. Press the crumb mixture into the bottom and halfway up the sides of a springform pan.