Recipe: Perfect Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake)

10.000 Resep Favorit Nusantara

Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake). On our first trip to Amsterdam, Laura and I asked our hotel clerk about traditional Dutch breakfast foods, and he recommended that we pick up a loaf of Ontbijtkoek. We did just that at the grocery store down the street, and we proceeded to eat this cake/bread on the train back to Brussels. Ontbijtkoek is used in a fun children's game called koekhappen, where the children try to eat a thick slice of cake hanging on a string without using their hands.

Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake) This cake keep moist when put in the bread-bin with the bread. The Dutch serve it with their "elevenses", buttered or on a slice of bread for. Ontbijtkoek, also called peperkoek, is the Flemish and Dutch version of gingerbread. You can cook Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake) using 14 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake)

  1. You need of Bahan Kering.
  2. It's 115 gr of Tepung Terigu Pro Rendah (saya pakai 90 gr Tepung Almond + 25 gr Tepung Ketobetic/Gluten Free).
  3. It's 65 gr of Santan (saya pakai 25 gr Skim Milk Powder).
  4. It's 1/2 sdm of Bumbu Spekoek.
  5. You need of Bahan Basah.
  6. You need 4 butir of Kuning Telur.
  7. Prepare 2 butir of Putih Telur.
  8. It's 1/2 sdt of SP (bisa diskip).
  9. Prepare 115 gr of Palm Sugar (saya pakai 90 gr Coconut Organic Sugar + 10 gr Stevia).
  10. You need 125 gr of Minyak (saya pakai 100 gr Anchor Baker Mix + 25 gr Butter Unsalted), yg dilelehkan.
  11. It's secukupnya of Margarine.
  12. It's secukupnya of Tepung Terigu.
  13. Prepare of Toping.
  14. You need of Kenari secukupnya (saya pakai Almond Slice).

It is a very popular breakfast in the Netherlands, where it is eaten with butter. Onbijtkoek, or peperkoek, is a traditional baked cake of Flemish and Dutch origin. This spice bread is made from rye flour, all-purpose flour, milk, honey, black molasses and brown sugar. Ontbijtkoek is a spiced Dutch quick breakfast bread with molasses, honey, brown sugar, and rye flour., Translated from Dutch, ontbijtkoek literally means 'Breakfast Bread'.

Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake) step by step

  1. Campur semua bahan kering, aduk menggunakan sendok/spatula. Semua tepung saya ayak. Lalu sisihkan..
  2. Siapkan wadah, kocok kuning+putih telur, SP, coconut sugar menggunakan mixer speed tinggi sampai mengembang & berjejak..
  3. Turunkan speed mixer menjadi rendah, masukkan semua bahan kering secara bertahap sampai habis. Kocok asal rata & tercampur. Lalu matikan mixer, aduk sebentar menggunakan spatula..
  4. Tuang lelehan butter ditengah adonan secara bertahap (3x tuang), aduk dengan teknik balik arah (dari bawah ke atas) pelan-pelan & pastikan tidak ada minyak yg menempel di dasar wadah. Lalu panaskan oven dengan api atas bawah selama 15 menit..
  5. Tuang adonan ke loyang yg sudah diberi olesan butter/margarine & taburan sedikit terigu..
  6. Panggang di dalam oven selama 10 menit dengan suhu 200 derajat & api atas bawah (sesuaikan oven masing2). Lalu balik loyang, kemudian beri taburan almond slice & panggang kembali dengan suhu 180 derajat selama 30 menit atau sampai matang..
  7. Sebelum dikeluarkan jangan lupa test tusuk. Diamkan selama 10 menit di oven sebelum dikeluarkan. Adonan saya sampai luber dari karena loyang terlalu kecil 😅 Jadi disarankan pakai loyang yg sedikit besar (bukan loyang brownies)..
  8. Lalu dinginkan sebentar sampai suhu panas/hangat hilang supaya mempermudah mengeluarkan cake dari loyang & nggak ambrol seperti saya karena sudah tidak sabar 😁.
  9. Cake siap dinikmati untuk teman teh/kopi ataupun ketika sarapan. Meskipun tidak menggunakan tepung terigu regular, hasilnya tetap empuk & sangat lembut 😋.

Ontbijtkoek Traditionally the Dutch enjoy this dense cake-like bread along with their morning coffee with a pat of butter. This Dutch spice cake or Ontbijtkoek is a favourite at breakfast tables all over the Netherlands. It's a simple mix, the main ingredient being rye flour that gives it its distinctive taste. Sweetened with a combination of dark brown sugar, molasses and honey it is given aroma through cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, coriander seed and cloves. It is delightful served warm with a thick layer of the.

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