Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake). On our first trip to Amsterdam, Laura and I asked our hotel clerk about traditional Dutch breakfast foods, and he recommended that we pick up a loaf of Ontbijtkoek. We did just that at the grocery store down the street, and we proceeded to eat this cake/bread on the train back to Brussels. Ontbijtkoek is used in a fun children's game called koekhappen, where the children try to eat a thick slice of cake hanging on a string without using their hands.
This cake keep moist when put in the bread-bin with the bread. The Dutch serve it with their "elevenses", buttered or on a slice of bread for. Ontbijtkoek, also called peperkoek, is the Flemish and Dutch version of gingerbread. You can cook Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake) using 14 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake)
- You need of Bahan Kering.
- It's 115 gr of Tepung Terigu Pro Rendah (saya pakai 90 gr Tepung Almond + 25 gr Tepung Ketobetic/Gluten Free).
- It's 65 gr of Santan (saya pakai 25 gr Skim Milk Powder).
- It's 1/2 sdm of Bumbu Spekoek.
- You need of Bahan Basah.
- You need 4 butir of Kuning Telur.
- Prepare 2 butir of Putih Telur.
- It's 1/2 sdt of SP (bisa diskip).
- Prepare 115 gr of Palm Sugar (saya pakai 90 gr Coconut Organic Sugar + 10 gr Stevia).
- You need 125 gr of Minyak (saya pakai 100 gr Anchor Baker Mix + 25 gr Butter Unsalted), yg dilelehkan.
- It's secukupnya of Margarine.
- It's secukupnya of Tepung Terigu.
- Prepare of Toping.
- You need of Kenari secukupnya (saya pakai Almond Slice).
It is a very popular breakfast in the Netherlands, where it is eaten with butter. Onbijtkoek, or peperkoek, is a traditional baked cake of Flemish and Dutch origin. This spice bread is made from rye flour, all-purpose flour, milk, honey, black molasses and brown sugar. Ontbijtkoek is a spiced Dutch quick breakfast bread with molasses, honey, brown sugar, and rye flour., Translated from Dutch, ontbijtkoek literally means 'Breakfast Bread'.
Ontbijtkoek (Traditional Dutch Slice Cake) step by step
- Campur semua bahan kering, aduk menggunakan sendok/spatula. Semua tepung saya ayak. Lalu sisihkan..
- Siapkan wadah, kocok kuning+putih telur, SP, coconut sugar menggunakan mixer speed tinggi sampai mengembang & berjejak..
- Turunkan speed mixer menjadi rendah, masukkan semua bahan kering secara bertahap sampai habis. Kocok asal rata & tercampur. Lalu matikan mixer, aduk sebentar menggunakan spatula..
- Tuang lelehan butter ditengah adonan secara bertahap (3x tuang), aduk dengan teknik balik arah (dari bawah ke atas) pelan-pelan & pastikan tidak ada minyak yg menempel di dasar wadah. Lalu panaskan oven dengan api atas bawah selama 15 menit..
- Tuang adonan ke loyang yg sudah diberi olesan butter/margarine & taburan sedikit terigu..
- Panggang di dalam oven selama 10 menit dengan suhu 200 derajat & api atas bawah (sesuaikan oven masing2). Lalu balik loyang, kemudian beri taburan almond slice & panggang kembali dengan suhu 180 derajat selama 30 menit atau sampai matang..
- Sebelum dikeluarkan jangan lupa test tusuk. Diamkan selama 10 menit di oven sebelum dikeluarkan. Adonan saya sampai luber dari karena loyang terlalu kecil 😅 Jadi disarankan pakai loyang yg sedikit besar (bukan loyang brownies)..
- Lalu dinginkan sebentar sampai suhu panas/hangat hilang supaya mempermudah mengeluarkan cake dari loyang & nggak ambrol seperti saya karena sudah tidak sabar 😁.
- Cake siap dinikmati untuk teman teh/kopi ataupun ketika sarapan. Meskipun tidak menggunakan tepung terigu regular, hasilnya tetap empuk & sangat lembut 😋.
Ontbijtkoek Traditionally the Dutch enjoy this dense cake-like bread along with their morning coffee with a pat of butter. This Dutch spice cake or Ontbijtkoek is a favourite at breakfast tables all over the Netherlands. It's a simple mix, the main ingredient being rye flour that gives it its distinctive taste. Sweetened with a combination of dark brown sugar, molasses and honey it is given aroma through cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, coriander seed and cloves. It is delightful served warm with a thick layer of the.