Pumpkin Ogura Cake. Ogura cake uses the same method as chiffon cake. You whisk egg yolks and oil, then fold in flour and a non-fat liquid, followed by whisked egg whites. See more ideas about Ogura cake, Cake recipes, Cake.
First technique: beat your eggs properly. Baking an ogura cake is all about mastering the right techniques, and the first is making sure to beat your eggs properly. This Zebra Ogura cake recipe shows you how to make the best ogura cake with beautiful zebra pattern through a video tutorial and tons of tips. You can cook Pumpkin Ogura Cake using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Pumpkin Ogura Cake
- It's of Bahan A:.
- Prepare 5 butir of kuning telur.
- Prepare 1 butir of telur utuh.
- It's 90 gr of labu kuning, kukus, haluskan.
- Prepare 80 gr of tepung terigu protein rendah.
- You need 1/4 sdt of garam.
- You need 1/4 sdt of vanili bubuk.
- It's 60 gr of minyak sayur.
- You need of Bahan B:.
- Prepare 5 butir of putih telur.
- You need 1/4 sdt of cream of tartar.
- It's 80 gr of gula pasir.
Home › Cakes › Baked Cakes › Orange Ogura Cake 香橙相思蛋糕. Recently, there have been many posts on Ogura Cake by the baking bloggers. This Pumpkin Earthquake Cake is hands down one of the best pumpkin cake recipes ever! The only thing better than a real jack-o-lantern is one made out of cake.
Pumpkin Ogura Cake step by step
- Siapkan bahan A. Masukkan dalam wadah, kuning telur, 1 butir telur utuh, kocok rata pakai whisk, lalu masukkan labu kuning yang sudah dihaluskan, aduk rata.
- Lalu masukkan tepung terigu, garam dan vanili, aduk rata. Terakhir masukkan minyak sayur aduk lagi sampai tercampur rata. Sisihkan..
- Dalam wadah lain, siapkan bahan B. kocok putih telur dan cream of tartar sampai berbusa banyak lalu masukkan gula pasir dalam 3 tahap. Kocok sampai mengembang dan agak kaku..
- Masukkan bahan B ke bahan B sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk sampai rata..
- Masukkan ke loyang ukuran 18 cm yang sudah dioles margarin dan dilapisi kertas roti. Lalu panggang dengan cara au bain mary (masukkan loyang yang berisi adonan ke dalam loyang yang lebih besar yang berisi air) panggang dengan suhu sedang 160-180 derajat selama 50-60 menit..
- Lalu angkat dan dinginkan. Potong2, sajikan.
Moist Pandan Sponge Cake aka Pandan Ogura cake. Baked using water bath method to retain the Mini Cakes Cupcake Cakes Sangria Recipes Comfort Food Pound Cake Recipes Pumpkin Dessert. Pumpkin cake is a traditional Chinese dessert that everyone loves. As it is easy to make, there are many versions of pumpkin cake creating a variety of taste experiences. Hasil kreativitinya terhasilah kek labu Ogura yang sedap dan gebu kejadiannya.